Blow Fish

Sunday, April 15, 2007

me talking 11

Saturday, September 26, 1998
It's the last Saturday of September. Last week we had some bad weather but today is so nice, just like Fall should be. I went out for breakfast with newspapers, came back, called Bodrum, took a nap… Lazy day. C did not call yesterday and so far today. I am OK right now but I will have to find people to hang out with soon or life will get very boring soon.
C thinks I don't like and don't make an effort to like his friends. I don't think it's true. But I told him that I don't worry about things like this about us anymore because we are not like before we only get together once a month so we shouldn't analyze things this much anymore, it's not like we have a future together. I don't know if he got that but the rest of the night was wonderful. We even sang together. Now as I am writing this I think, "these details will hurt me to read in the future when we break up again". He told me how he always wondered about his mother's death and how no one gave them an explanation then. He thinks most of his psychological problems come from that.
He gave me (+-) $500 for Amex.
Grandmother and Aunt went to Orhangazi for the weekend. They enjoy that a lot.
I should go out and do some shopping. And what is the plan for tonight? I don't think he will call so I should think about a movie or something.


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