Blow Fish

Sunday, April 15, 2007

letters form the past 11

Wednesday, January 28, 1998

Hey Bebek,
It's me.
I got my first pay today. I will have to send the whole thing to Ali to start paying your Amex bill. I thought I'd share this good news with you. I won't be able to get me a place for a year. I won't be able to go out or travel. All this because you were irresponsible in spending the money that you did not have and probably will never make. I still cannot believe how easily you totally ignore this whole thing. You did not even bother to call Amex. It doesn't seem like you are trying to get a job. Did you make any plans about the payments? I really want to know what your solution is. And if you think you won't be able to pay this or you simply don't care, I want to know it too.
Other than this, everything is good and I like my job very much. I was planning to come over on Feb 13th but of course it's out of question now, I rather send that $400+ to Ali and maybe Amex people won't call him every other day (Can you understand how this makes me feel?).
You know, up until now I'd never lost hope on us. Even at our worst moments. I always thought that somehow we would fix things up. Maybe it's because I thought we cared about each other. Now I know that you don't care at all. I can't tell when you stopped or if you ever did.
It's been a good lesson for me though (and expensive). Next person, I'll know better.
Enjoy and don't you worry about anything!


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